Conquest Music, in association with NE Guitars Magazine is offering a pair of tickets to see the amazing US Southern Rock band, Hillbilly Vegas in concert in the North East leg of their UK Tour at the Adelphi, Hull  and Trillians, Newcastle 17th & 18th July.  Winners will also receive a copy of their latest CD.

To enter the competition and be in with a chance to win, just complete all three steps below.

1.  Subscribe to NE Guitars Magazine here: (We promise we wont send any spam messages to you, just a free online edition of the mag every 2 months)  competition open to subscribers only.

2.  Answer the following question:
           What was the make of Mark Abrahams first guitar?
           (Tip – It’s in Mark Abrahams Article in the Pilot edition)

3.  Send your answers to us at

Please state where you would like to watch Hillbilly Vegas (Newcastle or Hull).


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